CDP Disclosure is where companies report environmental impact data, aiding transparency. With Growlity’s service, streamline reporting for sustainability.
What is CDP?
CDP, formerly known as the Carbon Disclosure Project is a not-for-profit charity that runs the global disclosure system for investors, companies, cities, states and regions to manage their environmental impacts. The world’s economy looks to CDP as the gold standard of environmental reporting with the richest and most comprehensive dataset on corporate and city action. Organizations use the CDP’s annual questionnaire for disclosing environmental data regarding their greenhouse gas emissions, create a low carbon economy, how they evaluate climate change risks, protect natural resources, forest impact, water resource use, and overall corporate awareness.
The core values that CDP operates on include transparency, accountability, gaining knowledge, making improvements, and shared accomplishment.
The reason CDP has created its environmental disclosure system is to address global risks such as climate change, biodiversity loss, and water scarcity.
Through a data-driven problem-solving approach, CDP encourages key economic stakeholders to gain awareness of their contribution to key issues, so they can effectively prevent environmental damage.
Methodology Behind CDP
Companies and entities supply their information to the CDP platform either to comply against the request from a customer, authority, or by their own choice (self-selected).
Following authorities may request for companies to report information in CDP platform: investors, supply chain partners, members of the Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative, financing members, and participants of the RE100 initiative.
CDP’s annual questionnaire opens in April each year. Signatories have until July to submit their responses to three key criteria: climate change, forest protection, and water use.
CDP’s questionnaire is scored by CDP-accredited partners who follow established data quality checks and quality assurance procedures to ensure fairness.
How Growlity Can Help?
Growlity Inc. is a company committed to Growth with Sustainability. We provide a versatile range of sustainability advisory services across the value chain. Growlity helps companies in Green House Gas Emission measurement and reporting. We are also helping companies situated across the globe in their quest to achieve Net Zero status through a range of advisory and assurance services.
For CDP, Growlity can help companies in preparing and submitting their response along risk emanating from Climate Change. Our team of Sustainability experts bring extensive industry knowledge on board to tackle industry specific challenges with regards to CDP submission.
Our Services
Our multidisciplinary teams can help companies understand the risks and opportunities arising from climate change and materiality issues to achieve growth with sustainability.
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